Sat, 2020-01-04

A sealing light went out and the fridge signed an error code at home in same time.

I've tried replace sealing light with other room's.

But the other room's sealing right was broken when I detached it.

A plastic part of light has aging degradation and turned to fragile.

I went to a home center to buy new sealing lights.

The sealing lights that I wanted were:

  • The shape is circular.
  • The size is called 40.

The stocks of sealing lights in home center were set of two sizes.

For instance, 32+40 and 30+40.

I had to know both size to buy new sealing lights.

But I noted only broken one's size was 40.

I didn't note the small one's size.

I had to go back to home to check the small one's size again.

It never rains but it pours.

Friday, 2019-12-27

I went drink with my friends in Akihabara.

We were walking around in Akihabara for 30 min. up to get into first bar.

Because every bars in Akihabara was busy due to Friday and the last business day of this year.

First bar was a bit expensive for us compare with the bar we went usual.

Second bar was very familiar for us but it's first time to visit there.

We had talk about what we have this year, something stupid business plans and so on.

We said goodbye in front of the station's gate and promised to have a new year party.

It's always fun and comfortable to have drink with all these guys!


I've attended a home party.

I talked with a professional music player.

She had been to Ireland.

It was second tour to Ireland for her.

You can hear music everywhere in Ireland which is played by general people, she said.

Music is like part of their life in Ireland.

She loves music and she loves the culture.

She is going to have a stage in England next year.

She would like to improve English conversation skill for the tour.



  • for-each 的にElementNode を生成する機能の実装
  • API Interface を Method chaining を多用する感じにした


  • 関連させる対象の ElementNode を Method chaining の中で選択する function の導入


  • withValue の引数 ElementNode の代わり、string を指定したら、 querySelector の query string とみなして、DOM Search する
  • API Inteface を変えたので