
2019-03-28 Thr

I had coding at Saizeriya. I struggled to introduce new concept into my library as an experimental. The new concept is data mapping method. Current concept was mapping by property name vs class of element. For example, the value of an_obje…

2019-03-27 Wed

I got a review for my new schedule viewing form. I've never imagined I could hear such good opinions. It's an honor to me. We had been going to leave current office at last work day. We move to near office.

2019-03-26 Tue

I met a guy. He is a MP on Akabane. He was young and smart. He was going university in North Carolina. We were same occupation. I'd like to drink with him on one day.

2019-03-25 Mon, Fine weather

I stopped to go Gusto because of hay fever. Holy moly, what is a disaster!

2019-03-24 Sun

I went English conversation meeting. We went lunch to Kashiwaya after the meeting. It's traditional soba-ya. They have many menus. My hay fever was the most terrible today. It's tough.

2019-03-23 Sat

I went a clinic to take another medicine for hay fever. I hope it works well.

2019-03-22 Fri, Rainy

I watched Tonde-Saitama. It's stupid comedy about my living prefecture. It's crazy. I got a little raised my love about Saitama.

2019-03-21 Thr, Rain

Spring Equinox Day I went Download Japan 2019. I watched Halestorm, Arch Enemy, Anthrax, Slayer. It was a grace but I saw sum 41 and Judas priest. I got enough to see Anthrax performance. This is first time to see Joey Belladonna's live ac…

2019-03-20 Wed, Fine weather

I had a dinner in Gusto and coding too as usual. There was busier than usual. Maybe it's because of graduation season. I spent 2 hrs for the coding. I've done 3 todos. Those todos makes code cleaner. I was quite satisfied. By the way, Gust…

2019-03-19 Tue

I had a dinner in a food court at Marui Kitasenju. I like there because of free WiFi. After a while four girls took seats next of me. They were university students. A girl was searching on her smart phone. Then suddenly she said "I love Er…

2019-03-18 Mon, Fine weather

I had finished to read a book called "Showstopper!". 闘うプログラマー[新装版]作者: G・パスカル・ザカリー,山岡洋一出版社/メーカー: 日経BP社発売日: 2009/07/23メディア: 単行本購入: 23人 クリック: 203回この商品を含むブログ (64件) を見る It's a…

2019-03-17 Sun, Fine weather

I attended English conversation meeting. The topic is always rumors about somebody. Then I attended Moku-Moku-Kai. It's first time to attend. I could concentrate to my tasks. The space was good enough.

2019-03-15 Fri

I went curry restaurant to have party with ex-colleagues and her friend. I could hear new old story of the owner. I respect him. He is great.

2019-03-14 Thr

I attended technical book reading meeting. The venue was not reserved because of reservation failure.

2019-03-13 Wed

I attended Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming Reading. They opened a wine bottle as usual.

2019-03-12 Tue

I attended an English conversation meeting. The Chinese fried noodles were very oily that I had before that meeting.

2019-03-11 Mon

I had coding in Gusto.

2019-03-10 Sun, Fine weather

Me and my nephew had kick-ball on my balcony. He did kick-ball well. Child grows quickly.

2019-03-09 Sat, Fine weather

I assembled a small PC. It works perfect. In the beginning, I supposed it's broken because display signal won't be detected by display. I changed HDMI cable to VGA cable. Then the signal was detected.

2019-03-08 Fri, Cloudy

I had coding in Gusto. They introduced new menus. I'd like to try something new dishes.

2019-03-07 Thr, Rainy

I went Sekai no Yama-chan. Tebasaki is nice.


59分割ヤバイ|深津 貴之 (fladdict)|note CheatSheetSeries/Index.md at master · OWASP/CheatSheetSeries · GitHub 【翻訳】徹底解説! PHP のセッション - Qiita コーディングガイド by @mdo Responsive Web Design Introduction Explore color palettes…

2019-03-06 Wed, Cloudy

I had coding in Gusto.

2019-03-05 Tue, Cloudy

I attended English conversation meeting. Then we hopped to a bar.

2019-03-04 Mon, Rain

I had researched to how to upgrade certification in Gusto.

2019-03-03 Sun, Rain

I went English conversation meeting. I gave a hot source for her birthday present.

2019-03-01 Fri, Cloudy

I visited Yodobashi Akihabara. I checked new toy. It looks a laptop. I thought it's good for my nephew, good for computer eduction. But It seems difficult for him as I touched it. It's should be first to learn Alphabets before touching com…

2019-02-28 Thr, Rainy

I went meet up for reading Advanced SQL Programming. We went drinking after the meeting. My friend wrote an article for a measure magazine. It's great.

2019-02-27 Wed, Rainy

I went reading meeting for: Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming. He opened a bottle again.