
Laravel Homestead 実施メモ

Laravel Homestead - Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans Laravel Homestead 6.x Laravel First Steps Installing The Homestead Vagrant Box vagrant box add laravel/homestead larabel の Box を追加 Installing Homestead git clone https://…

The Vagrant getting started guide のメモ

Getting Started - Vagrant by HashiCorp Project Setup -- Project Directory 作って、Vargrantfile(設定ファイル)を置く Boxes -- Box 落とす、Vargrantfile に落とした Box を使うと書く Vagrant を起動 / vagrant up Up And SSH -- vagrant ssh/SSH 接続…

2020-04-20 Mon, Rain

I had an English conversation session that was on Zoom meeting. I could talk with many guys. Italian and German attended from their country. They are friend of a Japanese girl. It's rare experience.

Android Studio Tutorial (2020 Edition) recapitulations

www.youtube.com Part 1 Install Android Studio Add Button AVD Manager Part 2 Button on-click Handler Start Activity Manifest Searching errors Part 3 Adds Button, Plain Text and Number Configure Layout Change colors ntroduce Google Firebase


I've gone drinking with two guys. They were my colleagues. I planed to go to Sho-ron-pow restaurant but actually the shop was changed to other type of Chinese restaurant. There was a Tebehodai restaurant. We could eat full of Chinese and h…


HTML を ElemenNode にするメソッドを実装 Mixer の Control panel のデザインをよくしたい


2020-02-13 WH-1000X M3 2020-03-09 ブランド名 / 商品 | green label relaxing / SC アーバンスリムフィット チノ パンツ#,チノパンツ,X-LARGE,グレー 2020-03-17 風呂釜


translate() の処理中にテンプレートになっているタグに、プレースホルダーとは関係なく、属性を追加できるようにしたい。 → 単純な追加と削除は実装した。 →→ class や style、イベントハンドラーを特別扱いした処理もさらに追加したい →→→ class と attrib…


テンプレートを使ったページの見本をいくつか作った。 作っていて、追加したい機能が浮かんできた。 translate() の処理中にテンプレートになっているタグに、プレースホルダーとは関係なく、属性を追加できるようにしたい。 → 単純な追加と削除は実装した。…


I've added List example. I'd like to make Form example next.


I went a new year party. She and her husband were so close. I saw a lot of happy pictures of them. It makes me happy too.


I supported partial placehoder replacement for attribute value. I'd like to support for TextNode in same manner.

Sat, 2020-01-04

A sealing light went out and the fridge signed an error code at home in same time. I've tried replace sealing light with other room's. But the other room's sealing right was broken when I detached it. A plastic part of light has aging degr…

Thr, 2020-01-02

I have been to my cemetery with mother and brother's family where my father had been buried. We went to Don Quixote before going to the cemetery to buy flowers. My nephew bought a basket of snacks by change for flowers. We went to a yakini…