2019-07-28 Sun

I went to Ohara capriciously.

I was influenced by targeting AD.

The AD shows me off real estate in Bohso very much.

At first, I have been to Goi.

There is a terminal of Kominato line.

I took the train to the other terminal, Kazusa-Nakano for one hour and more.

The conductor looked very busy but the train was not busy.

I relayed the train to Isumi line to go to Ohara.

After I arrived Ohara, I walked around the station for a while to find out a good restaurant.

I passed girls who wore Yukata because fireworks were held the night.

I got into a bar called Haccho-tei.

It looked typical izakaya but it's not.

I could have western beers and pizza.

The pizza was crispy, nice.

I took Sotoboh line to get back before too late.