Walking around Kojiya

I have walked around Kojiya.

I have lived in Kojiya until I was early third grade in elementally school.

I've visited some memorial places.

Park, shrine, elementally school, public bath and scrap processor.

Almost places have changed but some places haven't.

There is a ramen shop next of public bath.

The shop seemed to be established while I was living there.

Because the building looks like,... eh, ah, dir.., no, .. very aged.

But regrettably I didn't remember the shop.

Anyway I ordered a Wan-tan-men.

Looking back on me, I have some expectation to Wantan that is very delicious.

But taste of Wantan is never over my expectation.

The shop was seemed to be run by three generation families.

Three generation families mean grandfather, father and son.

The son was greeting and smiled on me when I left the shop.

Then I was walking around the shopping street, Kojiya shotengai.

There were no shops that I remembered.

But many shops were selling Yakitori by counter.

I think that is culture of Kojiya shotengai.

And vigor remains since then.