2019-03-30 Sat

I attended at PHPerKaigi 2019 day one.

I have listented to:

  • PHPの現場 公開収録
  • たった1人のAPI開発 BEAR.Sundayで解決した課題たち
  • RESTの力
  • サーバーレスPHP
  • Swooleでフレームワークを高速化 - もう動作が遅いなんて言わせない!
  • PHPerのための計算量入門
  • Today's update

"RESTの力" was the most interesting talk in the conference.

I can't say I could understand about thoughts of REST but the talk has given me some hints or ideas about it.

Before I listen the talk, I understood that REST was an only design of URLs.

But It was not a REST at all!

I'd say about REST what I understood without care of misunderstood.

The core concept of REST is that the response is including the URLs to resources.

The user agent can communicate with server following the URLs.

That means the user agent is not required already to know the resource URL to access.

It's contrastive very much against the URL for HTML documents.

You must be knowing to the URL to access a HTML before that you want.

You can access a HTML before you don't know in case of REST.

Because you can track the URL by dynamically responded.

I can feel spreading the world to infinite.